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The Job by almatucakovic on 06-25-2015
I have a (copious) amount of information I need you to remember for me.
Sure boss, what do you have for me today?
Being as (cordial) as possible, I want you to remember every historical event from the 1800's to now and report back to me once they're all in your brain.
Are you kidding me? Are you trying to (daunt) me? I mean, yes I'm a new intern for you but I'm not that dumb! All of my polite (decorum) is lost; I have no respect for you as of right now.
I know you're not dumb, why else would I be asking you to remember all of those events for me?
I don't know, but I don't appreciate it. You're putting me in a state of (despair) with getting this job officially, so I guess I'll do it. Only for the job though.
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