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I have places to be! by almatucakovic on 06-29-2015
Hello, would you like to listen to me play my violin?
Oh, I wish I could but I really can't. I bet you're (diligent) at what you do, but I've got to run! Sorry!
You won't (digress) just one song! Please?
I would have to (discord) with your thought there young one, I've really go to get running along! I'm on a tight schedule and I need to get to a meeting.
Wow! You are so rude! You have the most (dour) personality ever! And not to mention, you're ugly. I have better people to ask if they'd like to hear my amazing talent. Goodbye you meanie.
And to think that I thought she was a (docile) little girl. Oh well, I have places to be.
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