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Direct Sales by matttomlins1 on 02-03-2014
Radio Selling
Radio selling is businesses selling their products through the radio. This can either be done in the studio by a business member or just through a normal advertisement.
An advantage of radio selling is that many people listen to the radio so a lot of people will her the advert. A disadvantage of selling over the radio is that people might not listen to it.
Telesales is where a business sells there products over the phone. This may be to previous customers or to new customers.
An advantage of this is that there are so many customers it is highly likely that you will make sales. A disadvantage is that people ignore phone numbers that they don’t recognise.
The Internet
The internet is a very good place for the business to advertise because the internet is something that people use in their everyday life.
An advantage of advertising on the internet is that many people will see it. A disadvantage is that it can be expensive and you have to gain permission from other sites to advertise on theirs.
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