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The Aberdeen Police notice that Bob and Nathan have escaped (46) by BenW1 on 04-04-2013
At Aberdeen jail, a police officer notices that Bob and Nathan have escaped.
Sergeant! It's inmates Bob Crowley and Nathan Sullivan in Cell 1. They have escaped!
WHAT?! Imposiible! We must immidiently alert the police of the whole of the UK! We have to find them! There in for hiring an assasin and theft!
Back in Nottingham, Sergeant Jason tells Lesley that Nathan escaped prison.
Love, It's Nathan! The Aberdeen police officers have to just alerted me that they have escaped jail! And he escaped with a cellmate.
What no! What if he has took Imogen?
Sergeant Jason tells an officer that they have to find Nathan and Bob because they might know where Imogen is.
Ok officer. We need to track down Nathan and his cellmate Bob. We think that they have taken Imogen.
Ok Sergeant. All of the police across the country are also looking for them.
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