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The Police struggle to find Imogen (45) by BenW1 on 04-04-2013
Later on, Bob asks Nathan why he lied to his Aunt saying he was in prison for credit card fraud.
Why did you tell my Aunt that you was in prison for credit card fraud?
Becuase I was scared that she would kick me out if I told the real reason that I was in prison, becuase I hired an assassin.
Bob's Aunt tells Nathan that she won't kick him out.
Look Nathan, it's fine! Even though I think you were stupid for what you did, I'm not going to kick you out. I'm letting Bob stay at mine aren't I?
Ok. Thank you.
A week later, Sergeant Jason tells Lesley that
Look. I'm sorry love. But we cannot find Imogen. And I'm sorry to say this, but I may have to treat this as a murder investigation. There is no other reason why she has just vanished.
Oh no! I cannot believe. But she can't be dead! She can't!
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<< Bob tells His Aunt the reason why they were around her area (44) The Aberdeen Police notice that Bob and Nathan have escaped (46) >>