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Bruce Tinsley vs Dignity by T_Emery_Lolsworth on 02-05-2007
Holy sh#t have you seen today's Mallard Fillmore
No but Lolsworth has and that's what really counts
So, the joke is Howard Dean potentially slipping up and calling the DNC the "D&C" - as in Dilation and Curretage, as in abortion. Justifiying it with "hey, I'm a Doctor" . LOLCOPTER AMIRITE
The inference presumably being that all Doctors are obsessed with abortion to the extent that they are thinking about it constantly and occasionally accidentally reference it in their speech from force of habit
Jesus Christ, f#*k you, Tinsley. Here's a quarter, go buy a sense of shame. Goddammit. At least you didn't make another f#*king joke about that scream, but still, Jesus Christ.
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