Member Since: 02-04-2007
I like General Tso's Tofu. I know the name of the missing Stone. It is good to know your White Goddess and Camus. I never think about it but I am a polar bear. How do they get those ships in those bottles?
2021 addon: I am amazed this site is still up.
Comics by Lord_Vacuity
- 08-09-2021 - A ruckus once hear
- 08-09-2021 - Social Distancing
- 05-15-2021 - Clones drinking at the beach
- 04-16-2018 - Not quite a twinky though
- 04-16-2018 - The links to the links.
- 06-24-2017 - GAP is not the new GOP 2
- 06-24-2017 - GAP is the new GOP
- 05-29-2017 - There is no collusion.
- 05-28-2017 - The Cleaners of Not the Amish
- 05-28-2017 - Obey!
- 05-28-2017 - Folding Story fix
- 09-02-2016 - Falcon is down
- 08-11-2016 - Remembering the WittyComics of old 2
- 08-11-2016 - Remembering the WittyComics of old.
- 08-11-2016 - LilyTran
- 08-11-2016 - LeeXan
- 08-11-2016 - Wracking myself to have an idea
- 08-11-2016 - Almost 10 years really.
- 08-11-2016 - OVER 9 YEARS
- 08-11-2016 - Olympic fever.
- 05-30-2015 - Technology is bringing us closer
- 03-10-2015 - My Dead Little Pony
- 11-01-2014 - Looking for that special connection 2
- 11-01-2014 - Looking for that special connection
- 11-01-2014 - 3rd Rail Career
- 10-13-2014 - Blah-Blah-Blah thinks he has options.
- 10-13-2014 - A year tomorrow
- 10-13-2014 - how soon is now?
- 10-14-2013 - Three years later...
- 08-01-2012 - Pretty hot day to be f#*king a dog.
- 07-31-2012 - Some men just want to see the whole world burn.
- 07-30-2012 - Return of the Native
- 10-21-2009 - Tenement Funster
- 07-06-2009 - the 6th aeon
- 07-04-2009 - Thrownness first, throwing up later.
- 06-29-2009 - To Err is Rabbit
- 06-28-2009 - Practicing the violin.
- 06-28-2009 - Practicing the violin.
- 06-27-2009 - A skeptic tries to out-skeptic another skeptic.
- 06-27-2009 - Sceptic, all too sceptic.
- 06-27-2009 - Rabbit, All Too Rabbit
- 06-27-2009 - Of Rabbit Bondage
- 06-27-2009 - The Rabbit Stain
- 06-27-2009 - The Other Rabbit Condition
- 06-27-2009 - The Rabbit Condition
- 06-27-2009 - Got your mitigation hanging.
- 03-19-2009 - Draining the swamp.
- 03-10-2009 - Carpet burns
- 02-17-2009 - Change = Same
- 10-11-2008 - Momma always said...
- 10-04-2008 - Bailout Bingo
- 09-30-2008 - The Rise & Fall of the Amerikan Empire
- 09-24-2008 - A Dungmonger on the Prowl
- 09-23-2008 - Dungmonger's Convention
- 09-16-2008 - Hillary Delegates in the cold.
- 08-11-2008 - Dubya considers his future
- 08-11-2008 - Big Oil does it's bit for the election 2.
- 08-11-2008 - Big Oil does it's bit for the election.
- 08-05-2008 - Keanu as Klaatu?
- 08-04-2008 - In chaos there is opportunity
- 07-22-2008 - Ayn Rand meets Cooldude
- 07-17-2008 - When megalomaniacs meet.
- 07-17-2008 - Facticity on the street.
- 07-06-2008 - The honeymoon really is over.
- 07-05-2008 - Let the sin fit the price.
- 04-18-2008 - Pawn of Destruction.
- 04-15-2008 - Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century
- 04-15-2008 - Iraq vs. WW2
- 11-20-2007 - Longboats
- 11-01-2007 - Lessons gleaned from movies 2
- 11-01-2007 - Lessons gleaned from movies.
- 09-17-2007 - The Search for Reason (scene 3)
- 09-15-2007 - In Search of Reason... Scene 2
- 09-15-2007 - In Search of Reason... (take 2)
- 09-15-2007 - In Search of Reason...
- 09-15-2007 - Why he doesn't get it.
- 07-18-2007 - Rising Reich
- 07-09-2007 - After the Loving.
- 05-23-2007 - What road are we on?
- 05-23-2007 - Funding for the President's Ass/Brain transplant.
- 03-27-2007 - What kind of a surge?
- 03-27-2007 - Gonzalez supports Bush, fundamentally.
- 02-05-2007 - To bad about The Blues Brothers 2000
- 02-05-2007 - Stake our your position and stick to it.
- 02-05-2007 - JLo is white?
- 02-05-2007 - Still on hold.
- 02-05-2007 - Who's dat playing on your hold music?
- 02-05-2007 - The Presidents Brain is an Ass.