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The declaration of the war against the terrorism by Myosotis on 07-15-2015
There was a bomb explosion in an ‘archaic’ heritage.
We’ve heard that someone did this with ‘animosity’, what do you think?
We are ‘ascertain’ that terrorists did this on purpose. We are investigating who they are. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be ‘apprehensive’ of a next terror, there will be no more of it.
There were two more terrors after the first in the ‘archaic' heritage.
You know what is happening in the world right now. But the government is doing nothing.
Yeah, they are just ‘belittling’ the terrorism. But people are in ‘awe’ because of the terrorism.
Next day, in the US government building.
Today, we, US declares of the war against of the terrorism. We won’t have any mercy.
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