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4th of July by jamieking on 06-25-2015
While attending a 4th of July BBQ, Sam sees a girl that catches his fancy and builds up the courage to talk to her.
Hello, miss. You have quite a "daunting" look about you that I almost refrained from coming to say hi, but I could not help myself.
Oh my, I'm going to have to "curtail" you right there sir. I'm not interested.
A friend standing near by witnesses the disaster and comforts Sam with reassurance.
It's alright Sam, Cassie has never been one to be known for her "cordial" personality. She has always come off a little hostile, so don't take it too personally.
Yeah, this "copious" amount of fireworks is too good to make my mood turn sour. I'll be alright.
Upon leaving the BBQ, Sam and his friend head out for a night exploring the town.
Don't let her have the power to "debilitate" your self-esteem, you're too good for that, Sammy boy.
You're right man, thank you! I won't let anybody's "cynical" attitude get in the way of my night.
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