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The multi-drinkers by wolfiesyma on 06-25-2015
You know Robert, you got to stop drinking. It makes you 'belligerent'. Everyone's afraid of you.
Yea, I guess you're right Rebecca. I mean, You always 'bolster' me whenever I'm in a situation. I guess the best I can do for you is to stop drinking.
Hey boss, what do you think about the 'brazen' workers? I mean I guess they're going to be here for a 'chronic' period of time.
I like them but, They're so 'cantakerous'. Plus, they never think about anybody but themselves!
Why is he here again!?!?! I mean he is a 'candid' guy, but I don't get why my mom HAS to like him!!
That's it darling. Keep working on your violin playing.
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