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Talking in Reptition Dos Not Equal Comprehension by RhforEDU on 05-27-2015
With me lecturing in French only and with my students practicing their "verbal" French on their own this semester they should be near comprehension by now.
I do not think so. According to Krashen "talking is not practicing" without "comprehensible input" the message you are teaching is not registering with your students.
What are you talking about? Repetition of words and phrases is the key. The light will eventually come on near the end of the tunnel.
Man, the stress in your classroom environment must be at an all time high. You need to teach French in a more relaxed and fun environment with a lot of material utilized for association, such as visuals, and hands on material.
When I thnk of it in that way, I realize that I did not do drills of practice repetition when I learned French, even though it is my first language.
Exactly, remember Krashen's statement, comprehensible input + low anxeity environment = language acquirement. Try teaching using this formula and you will see your students learning in whole new light.
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