 | I've been looking at your record and i see that you have been defering all of the tickets that you have gotten. Is that right? |  |
 | Yes officer i have been putting off them because i have been in deep despair about my dog dying and i just haven't gotten to them. |  |
 | If you don't pay those tickets in the next month your going to be in serious trouble. It will go to court and your going to have to pay copius amounts of money to make up for it. |  |
 | I will decry in court if you try to change whats going on so don't try to be smart with me. I'm sure you will not be happy with what i have to say. |  |
 | I know who you are and I'm sure your very credible and stick to your word but there is no need to get difficult. |  |
 | Well when we get to court i will corroborate and then you will know for sure that I'm not lying to you. |  |