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Mr. Chang and Jeffery the Apostrophe Man- Michael Cortes by cvolosin on 01-29-2014
We find Mr.Chang and Jeffery in the office
Hey Jeffery, fancy weather we're having.
Indeed, Mr. Chang, indeed.
But suddenly...
Wow! Look at that, we've magically transported to Bagdahd, home of the apostrophe. Do you knpw that you can use apostrophes to show posetion by adding an 's or s'?
Indeed, Mr.Chang, indeed.
Famished from the Bagdahd excursion, the two travel to McDonalds
Yes, I would like an order of MacDaddy noodles with a large fry! And for my companion, one hulking pile of sh#taki mushrooms. Is that okay with you Jeffery?
Did you know that apostrophes can be used in a variety of ways? For instance, when you want to use a contraction, use the apostrophe to create the word, like "can't" "won't" and "isn't". Isn't that nifty!
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