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Anthony Gnizak Apostrophe Lesson by cvolosin on 01-28-2014
Hello, my name is Shanique. What is the book your reading called?
Hi Shanique, I'm Sharkesha, the book I'm reading is how to use apostrophes with singular nouns.
I am quite interested in this using apostrophes with singular nouns. Can you please tell me more?
Sure, I will be delighted to teach you how to use apostrophes with singular nouns. The rule is, add an apostrophe plus s to singular nouns to show possession. To make a singular noun possessive, follow these steps. First, determine which noun is the owner. Then To qualify for apostrophe use, the owner: 1. must be a noun 2. must be positioned in front of the thing it owns.That's all to it!!
Thank you so much Sharkesha for teaching me that!
You are very welcome!
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