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Comic Prototype by marccanter on 12-04-2013
Proper Planning will get you where you want to go, on time and within budget
OK, so if we alocate 25% to product development and 40% to marketing those products, we still have 35% to work with. In one year.
I concur except I need my 10% off the top, as well as kickback to my sponsor, your bosses and the Feds. Then throw in some Union and Mafia skim and tips for the workers. We're talking 150% of whatever it is you're doing - in MINE!
Proper Insider Attitude
"Uh - can you speak up sir. You're slurring your words."
"As I was saying - the outcome of the survey convinced us that 42% of all voters cannot read. At least in my cracker State. So f#*k it - who cares anyway?"
Authentic American Lifestyle
"Veer chaving Lobster tu nite boss - vit Mussles and rice. Nice?"
"..and I TRUST you won't be overcooking that Lobster there Juan. Perhaps a Domain Chandon '88 and a bit of brie - to start. Eh? And a "schmear" of Chopped Liver - even?" Might as well go Traif mit Liver - just for fun!
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