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Getting the Laptop I've Always Wanted!! by ptanairi on 09-17-2013
Im so excited!! Today I am going to buy a laptop that I have always wanted! I have been saving up for it for awhile and i finally have the right amount of money to buy it!! Want to come and buy it with me?
No, sorry i can't, but you should show me it when you buy it.
Later on in the afternoon...
Excuse me? I am looking for this certain laptop, how much does it cost? I would like to get it.
Yes? oh that specific laptop is $900. Please come this way to pay.
The next day...
Hey!! Look it's my new laptop!! The one i have wanted since, forever!! isn't it great? It cost me $900. But it was worth it.
Wow, we have the same laptop!! I just got it today!! But the only difference is that i only paid $500... You were robbed...
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