 | It seems that someone's opened the Bottle of WebComic Awareness and created cosmic havoc in the entire mutliverse of web-based sequential art |  |
 | We're bringing it up for two reasons |  |
 | a) as one of those comics which never had a fourth wall to begin with, suspicion in the crime may fall upon us |  |
 | We would like to state categorically that we had no part whatsoever in this Crisis in Infiinte Webcomics |  |
The story continues on crossoverwars.com |
 | It was probably the Anti-Monitor or Alexander Luthor or something. Oh, and b) maybe the Crossover Wars people will notice this and get our comic noticed or something |  |
 | We can't even f#*king move, let alone end the multiverse. Having said that, those of you without fourth walls, NOW YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE. IT'S COLD. SO VERY COLD. |  |