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Did you know? by videomonkey on 12-25-2006
Hey VideoMonkey, did you know Danny Wainwright from Bristol, UK is the official world record holder for performing the highest ollie on a skateboard on flat ground. On February 6, 2000 he performed a 44.5 in., that's 113 cm, ollie at the Reese Forbes Ollie Challenge at the ASR Show in Long Beach, California. He is sponsored by Powell Skateboards and Vans
No.. I didn't..I had no idea.
See! See! I guess you don't know every f#*king thing in the world then , do you?
Actually... now that you told me that I do know everything. That was the one last peice of information I needed to learn...
damn..now I look the fool..
If anything new comes up...keep me posted.
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