 | Time to studyyyy. Man I wish I never procrastinated. This is gonna be rough. Gotta read 150 pages tonight. ughhh. Here we go! |  |
 | Hey Amreen, Babe, It's Naushad. I know tonight is a big night for you to study but I wanted to call you really quickly to talk about something. I just quickly wanted to start a fight with you. It seems like the perfect night for this and then you can go right back to studying! |  |
 | Naushad, Not TONIGHT! This is an important test and I can't lose focus. |  |
 | Oh, I completely understand. But let me just say one thing. Ok? Great. ____________ |  |
 | Well thanks. And now I'm Hungry, Tired, and have no focus! |  |
 | I'm sorry babe. You'll be fine. You are extremely intelligent, well-versed, insightful, and most importantly, WICKED SMAAAAT! I will push you to make sure you don't fail. Let me take this test for you? |  |