 | And that concludes our first class of the year. It was ok to see you all. Remember, two absents will result in a letter grade drop. Thank you and get out. |  |
 | Whew, that was super easy. I knew I was smart but that was too easy. Geez, if it's all like this, I may graduate in 3 years! |  |
 | Ughh it's so early and I have class in 45 minutes. Do I really need to go though? Let me think.... NAHHHH i'm too smart to be going to class every day. |  |
 | Amreen, don't you think it would be wise to go to class. Especially when you could lose letter grades? |  |
 | Nah, I'll dominate the tests and be fine. You're so dramatic! Now finish your breakfast and let's go to Cafe Istanbul and hang out all day! |  |
 | Uhh, what? ok, fine. But just this time! |  |