| It's important for education field to use ICT's in the classroom. World has changed such as students' learning strategies. You as teacher could implement some projects based computer. Learners can create a study guide to work together on a group wiki. | |
| Oh, right! Also teachers could create a blog or a platform to share grades or news about the class and parents feel involved in their children learning process. | |
| As teacher you must be familiarized with the technological world. You can read online articles and blogs to contribute to your professional development. It would be easier to promote it to your students such as sharing their last vacations through an online photo repository. | |
| Yeah. But, it is essential to teach your students not to be bullies or cyberbullies. You guide them into different online activities, you can have an amazing trip to the Great Wall of China and never leave your classroom. That is an example they can work together without hurting among them. | |
| I have been working in my classroom by twitter. My students participate asking questions and they answer to those their classmates. They feel motivated and it contributes to their autonomy. | |
| That sounds really good! I want to implement an activity in which they choose a character or historical person to create mock social media profiles of those and interact with their classmates' characters. And also I'm going to propose a research project for my students to present orally their results via Skype. | |