Naushad and Amreen, in separate a birthday party |
 | Holy Crap! Do y'all see this girl behind me? Amreen? Wow, she is gorgeous, I don't even know what to say to her. Do you think I can just stare at her and she'll come talk to me? That works, right? |  |
 | Is it me or does Naushad keep staring at me like he wants my food? What a creep?... I'm kinda feelin it. You think he is into me? |  |
First Date: The Optimist, Internal Thoghts |
 | God, I'm having so much fun. He's perfect, smart, funny, charming and sexy! How did I get so lucky! I'm so comfortable around him and can't wait to do this again! |  |
 | Oh god, oh god, oh god. Please stop sweating, Naushad. She's too pretty, she's too smart and funny, what can I do to not mess this up?! (#dessert). Ok Naushad, keep composure, stay focused and you'll be just fine. OH MY GOD, the date will end soon! TO KISS OR NOT?! |  |
 | Hi, Amreen, I'm so glad you asked me out. This date was amazing! |  |
 | Yes, it was almost perfect #dessert. But I wanted to ask, will you marr..I mean.. go out with me again? |  |