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Harassment : Bad by MadisonMc on 09-28-2015
Sally has been having many issues with her manegar Tome. She is unable to solve the issue alone, and is reaching out to their boss, Bill, for help.
Hi Bill, I want to discuss with you about an issue I have been having regarding Tom.
Sally, I usually try to stay out of my employees personal issues in the office but go ahead.
Well, Tom has been harassing me with sexist comments. He refuses to give me the appropriate level of work for my position and says, "Baby, why don't you find something a little simpler to work on."
Okay..and what is your issue with this?
My issue is that he belittles me for being a woman, and feels as though because of my sex I cannot do serious work in this office. I am capable of doing all the appropriate work and more, but cannot when I am not allowed to.
I think this is an issue you need to handle with Tom. There is nothing I can do for you.
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