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The Door - Chapter 1 - Part seven by CYBERTROIER on 07-19-2015
‘A hundred pounds!
. ‘That’s more money than the father could earn in a year. Did the strange man pay?’ ‘Yes, he did, and he got the money from over there.’
Enfield pointed at the old door on the other side of the street.
‘The man went to that door...I followed him. The man opened the door with a key.’
‘What did you see inside the house?
‘There was an expensive red carpet on the floor. In the middle of the 14 room there was a long table and only one chair. The man went to the table and took a cheque book from a drawer. He sat down and wrote a cheque for one hundred pounds. “Take this cheque to Coutts Bank. The bank will pay one hundred pounds in cash.”
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