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Cap 7 - 1 by Felipelp on 07-19-2015
It happened on a Sunday, when Mr. Utterson enjoyed their usual walk in Mr. Enfield company, which once again their steps led to the alley; when they arrived at the door, both stopped to look at it.
Well, at least that story ended. We will never go back to see Mr. Hyde.
I hope not. I told you I saw him once, and I experienced the same feeling of disgust that you?
One thing was impossible without the other. By the way, I must have thought I was a great fool to ignore these were the rear of Dr. Jekyll's house! In part, it was due to an error that your found, although much later.
So, just to discover, was not it? Thus, we can enter the courtyard and take a look at the windows. To tell you the truth, I'm worried about poor Jekyll; and even from abroad, I feel that the presence of a friend can make you well.
The courtyard was very cold and a little damp, surrounded by a premature twilight, although the sky, high above, still sported the glow of the setting sun. The three windows, the middle was half open; and, sitting beside her, breathing the air with loaded features an infinite sadness, like a disconsolate prisoner, Utterson saw Dr. Jekyll.
Hello, Jekyll! I hope you are better.
I am very ill, Utterson, very badly. No-to last long, thank God.
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