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Why Will is an Apathetic Person by Gladanemone34 on 06-17-2015
Will talking to Chan about an upcoming important decision about to happen
First off, I'm extremely (averse) to you asking Linda out. Second aren't you a little (archaic) compared to her? Third, you're a pretty (apathetic) person, why would she go out with you?
One, I'm only 3 years older than her. Two, I have tons of feelings so no I'm not a apathetic person. Three, I am ascertain we would be really good together!
Later that day at the beach
So how about this (arid) weather we're having?
It's not too bad I guess it's a too dry for my liking, but I wanted to ask you something important
Here it comes!
Linda would you like to go out sometime?
(In awe) Ummm... Sorry Will, I already have a boyfriend.
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