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A Bad Day at Work by Nolgolo on 12-10-2014
Your work ethic is 'hindering' production rates, james! The way that you're 'impeding' efficiency is bad, and if uoi keep on with it, I might have to lay you off.
James was 'incredulous' at the gall of his boss.
W-what?! I'm not the one that's been hindering the workforce, that's been James Meddlesome! I'M James MADISON!
Yes well... I suppose I'll undulge you with something... I can't lay of the other James because he's my nephew, and my sister would be furious!
Wait... Aren't you supposed to be 'impartial' about this? You're the boss! In fact, I could make a complaint to the CEO of this company and have you fired!
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