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Terrific Tania V Terrible Tristian by Taylormade13 on 11-04-2014
Terrific Tania & Terrible Tristian
Whinge whinge! You're nasty to me, this isn't nice!
But I'm your fiancé and the best thing in your life! I would watch my step if I was you...
Terrific Tania & Terrible Tristian
You're right and I don't know why I'm such an idiot sometimes! I understand I've made you mad and I'm really really really really really sorry too. I've bought you here to your favourite place to make up for it.
I'm going to have to think about it, but you'll have to stop being such a drama queen!
Terrific Tania & Terrible Tristian
Ok. Thank you. Os mets?....
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