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Mr. Hoge Makes His Case by Schmalfeldt on 11-16-2013
Meanwhile, WJJ Hoge III talks to the Carroll County, Maryland, Assistant State's Attorney
I don't know what more I can say. I have presented you with evidence that Bill Schmalfeldt has violated the peace order I was awarded 353 times (as of Saturday, Nov. 16) and I demand to know what you are going to do about it, my good man.
Well? What are your plans? Are you going to allow this scofflaw to continue scoffing at the law, like a scofflaw, or are you going to, at long last, take some sort of meaningful action against this dangerous, degenerate, stalker and silence him once and for all? Well? Well? Well?
Thank you, officer
My pleasure, sir. Would you believe he kept talking until the psychotherapist applied the electrodes for the electoshock therapy?
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