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Bob and Nathan decide to Run Away (48) by BenW1 on 04-05-2013
Sergeant Jason goes to see a TV producer to appeal to find Nathan and Bob.
Hello Mr Grahams. I am Sergeant Jason from Nottingham Police Station. I was wondering if you could appeal on the News to find Nathan Sullivan and Bob Crowley. They escaped from prison and we think theu might have murdered Imogen Crossford.
Yes That's fine. We'll put the full details on all the the news programmes tonight.
While Bob and his Aunt are cooking tea, Nathan is watching the news and finds out that Imogen's body has been found and they are looking for him and Bob.
.....we are so desperate to find these escaped convicts. One of them hired an assasin to kill his wife and we may think he has murdered his ex girlfriend.
Oh No! They've found the body! I'd better tell Bob.
Nathan tells Bob that the police are hunting for them, so Bob decides to run away.
The Police at Aberdeen Jail noticed we escaped and told the whole country. They also found Imogen's body and we are the main suspects. We were on the News!
We better get out of here quick! We can't stay here anymore. My Aunt will find out from the news and she's bound to report us.
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<< Imogen's body is found (47) Bob's Aunt finds out everything (49) >>