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Nathan Kills Imogen (40) by BenW1 on 04-01-2013
Nathan tries to persuade Imogen to give him a second chance.
Please Imogen! I'm sorry I killed Jill. I did for you though, so we could be together properly. That shows how much I love you.
I'm sorry Nathan, but I can't trust you after this. Look just let me out of the van now and I won't tell the police where you are or that you've kidnapped me.
Nathan refuses to let Imogen go, so she kicks him in the head and tries to escape.
NO! I won't let you go. I love you too much. Just come here!
No! Get off me!
In a shocking moment, Nathan grabs a hammer next to him and hits Imogen around the head, killing her.
Oww! No! Come back here!
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