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Challanged Books by guardg1rl on 03-05-2013
The mothers of Suzie and Elanor are dicussing a school project.
I can't believe that Suzie had to read The Color Purple in school last week.
Elanor had to do that too. By the time she finished it she was terrified.
The disscussion continues...
I know Suzie couldn't sleep for days. They are too young to be reading the content of a challenged book.
We should really make a case to get books like The Color Purple removed from the curriculum. I'm a little worried about what is being taught to Elanor.
They come up with a plan...
I am going to the school board meeting on Wednesday. Would you like to join me and help me protest against the challenged books being taught to our children?
Of course! It's a date!
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