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The Dog Ate it...Once Again by kguzman on 01-24-2012
The student didn't do her homework and now she is coming up with an excuse to give the teacher.
They do this to me every year...how dumb do they think I am.?
I didn't do my homework because my dog ate it.
The teacher obviously doesn't believe the student because he knows better than that, therefore the student is at a disadvantage.
Oh really now?
I don't think he believes me...what do i do now?!?
The student admits she didn't do her homework to the teacher after he didn't believe her because he's been teaching for quite a while now and he's heard every story in the book of excuses.
Look, I know you did not do your homework. I am not that gulible.
Sorry..I just didn't have time and I thought you would believe my excuse..
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