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Beauty Is Only Skin Deep-Klare Murray by Yonkerskid1 on 03-10-2011
Lil is telling Daisy about the new girl in spook school.
Wow-ee! She sounds sooooooo pretty! She must be super nice!
Yeah, but to tell you the truth, she's not very nice. Beauty is only skin deep. She said since she's richer than me, I 'm automatically ugly!
Daisy is upset. Lil is trying to comfort her.
I don't like that beauty is only skin deep! Just because she's pretty doesn't mean she has to be nasty!
I know, right? But we're just going to have to put up with it. Beauty isn't only skin deep for everyone.
Diasy and Lil both agree that they hate her, but will never say that to anyone else.
I hope I never meet her. Now she seems real mean and nasty, so I don't really care about how pretty she is.
I agree with you. If she's in one of our classes, especially our scaring humans class, I'm gonna wanna drop out of spook school.
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