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Crime by esailer14 on 03-08-2011
Did you hear about the mugging last week on 22nd?
Yeah. It sounded terrible.
Why do you think that the crime rate has been going up so much recently?
Honestly, I think it's because of the lack of a good education kids in public schools are getting. I think they feel like they are not progressing as fast as they could and aren't recieving the best information so they take their frustration out through violence and form gangs.
I couldn't agree more. Also I think the city is lacking in after school programs where students can get their energy out in a constructive and productive way.
Absolutely. They need more positive outlets, but I think the the number one cause of crime is poverty. There is nothing more frustrating then not being able to get by and watching others live prosperously. For both kids and adults it is very hard to watch and cause a great deal of anger towards the community.
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