Witty Comics
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Arg by T_Emery_Lolsworth on 04-21-2007
So some of you might have got acquainted with us via this seemingly endless Civil War crossover
And you might be a little shocked at the frankly ridiculously bad language and essential meaninglessness and existential bleakness of these weekend strips
Fact is, this is just how we roll here in Floyd & Mike
Although we don't usually use street expressions like that because it's kind of retarded
But yes, the swearing, pointlessness, anger and left-wing politics is par for the course with normal F&M. Please don't ever refer to us as F&M though, that was just to avoid repetition and preserve rhythm. We f#*king hate unnecessary abbreviation.
Also f#*k off anyone who actually thinks he needs a gun and is not a) a soldier b) surrounded by f#*king mountain lions 24/7 c) a licenced professional hunter/trapper, or d) THERE IS NO f#*kING D, YOU DO NOT f#*kING NEED ONE OTHERWISE YOU STUPID #&@!S
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