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Satyagraha in our daily lives by vedhaanmanwani45 on 04-13-2023
A person is seen throwing a piece of trash on the ground. Another person, who is walking by, stops and looks at the litterbug with a disapproving expression. He says, The litterbug responds defensively,
"Hey, why did you throw that there? It's not good for the environment."
"What's your problem? Everyone throws their trash on the ground."
The other person calmly replies, The litterbug looks thoughtful and says,
"Actually, as a follower of Satyagraha, I believe in respecting the environment and keeping it clean. Small actions like picking up after ourselves can make a big difference."
"I never thought about it like that. Maybe I should start doing my part."
The other person smiles and nods, The final panel shows the two people walking away, THE END.
"Every small action adds up. We can create positive change if we all work together."
"Thanks for helping me, and making me understand about satyagraha in our life."
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