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Octet Part 2 by fitzpae on 05-29-2021
Bryan, I'm serious, if you say anything else in an impatient manner like you just did, I will take you out of my will. Now. Elements all have an electron shell that fills out in proportions of 8. Did you know that?
I'm sorry, Michael. I will hold my questions till the end of your explanation. But no I did not, thank you for sharing. Please continue.
Electrons stop reacting when that shell is full. And so elements will share or take electrons from other atoms in order to reach one of those proportions of 8. All of chemistry revolves around little things and the number 8.
Fascinating. What's an element again?
... You've done it now, Bryan. I'm going to need some time away from this friendship.
I think perhaps YOU have an impatient streak, my best friend since the age of 7.
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