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Tex-Mex, New-Mex, Cal-Mex, or Whose Mex? by MontserratVasquez on 03-31-2020
NorteƱo cooking is one unique characteristic in southwestern cuisine. Foods such as tortillas, beef, and chiles have been known to be the most famous elements in this type of cooking.
Traditional Mexican cooking has been around for many years such as early as the 1800s. Famous cookbooks have given the world a look into this type of cuisine.
What's the history behind how Mexican cooking became what it is now?
If we look back into the very beginning we can see how MesoAmerica helped shape Mexican cuisine. The geographical location became a factor in which vegetables and fruits could grow.
What I find interesting is that although Mexican cuisine became very popular across the nation, it wasn't shown by Mexican corporations.
Non-Mexican corporations have been profiting from Mexican cuisine. Big corporations such as Taco Bell have profited from this, but it does not capture the actual deliciousness of Mexican food.
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