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Vocab Review by Malfoy on 02-12-2020
Meanwhile in Antartica
Hello John, I'm glad you (contrived) this meeting in Antartica
Your welcome! Remember this is a meeting so stay (cordial.)
3 minutes later
John! I can't believe you would trick me into going to france! I'm in (despair)
Foolish man I'm not John, I was mearly in a disguise the whole time. You're weak, I (denounce) thee.
The Final battle was in the midst. And a shocking turn occurred
BOOM, BOOM! You never expected my weapon did you. With my perfectly placed shots I have succesfully (debilitated) you rendering your power worthless!
I-I can't believe I was beaten by a foolish m~mortal. All humans are the same, all (cynical). One day the gods shall rule again... *Dies*
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