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Computer as cognitive tool. by Kruger on 10-02-2018
Bob and Julia are discussing the upcoming Budget report.Julia has been working non-stop to formulate all the data before tomorrows meeting. She explained to Bob that she has manually written and printed all documentation by hand.
Oh BoB! I am tired. I do not know if I'll be finish by tomorrow!
Gosh Julia! This is serious! What was the problem?
Julia explains that she does not think there is an easier way. Bob disagrees and tells Julia that there are various applications to formulate the Budget report faster.
There is just no easier way, Bob. I do hope my numbers are correct.
Julia of course there are easier methods. Have you not heard of Excel Spreadsheet, Scoro and Google Doc Spreadsheet. Work is done on computer and sent via email to save printing and wasting of paper.Here, let me show you.
Julia had listened to Bob and experimented with some of the applications to formulate the Budget report faster and more efficiently. She is thankful that she has made use of a computer which has made her reporting more accessible and productive for her colleagues and herself.
Thank you Bob. You have made my work load much lighter and organised.
Cheers Bob ! Thank you for introducing me to data processing tools.
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