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Han Dynasty Showdown by tlstevens on 03-02-2018
Meeting for First Time
Hi i am Liu Bang and I am an emperor. I was born around 248 BC. I was a king but then I was voted emperor. My father was a farmer while I was a police officer.
Hi I am Wudi. I am also an emperor. I became emperor when I was sixteen.However, when I was seven, my relatives secured my position as heir the throne.
Discussing Politics & Religion
ruled for 12 years. I made peace with tribes that were trying to invade China from Mongolia. I eliminated many harsh laws and reduced taxes on the peasants. Then I gained control of all of China.
Well, I ruled for 54 years. I launched an attack on the people on China’s northern border who were threatening the empire. Then i made a massive army and conquered Southern China, and most of Vietnam and Korea. From then on I controlled Furgana.
Arguing Who Was More Successful
I was more successful because I was the founder of the Han Dynasty and it’s first emperor. Plus, I did many good things for China.
No, I was more successful because i was in control of a massive army and i extended the empire.
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