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The People Can Do Nothing by Marcela1 on 11-04-2017
We want to understand the best we can this war is fought for a reason has a coal mine and there is good fishing, we need the coal and the fish we will try to stay here without problems.
Good afternoon, Colonel, I regret to inform you that there was war, fights and some soldiers were killed.
No, it could be we were very stupid to fight and that only a few fought and now they are dead.
but now the fighting has stopped but they are fighting and now the people are silent and will not be silly again.
if it was silly but in the end they fought for the people do not know what happened.
people would not be stupid again they are also peaceful people and don't want problems.
People do not have weapons, they can not do anything. Life is easier for everyone if the soldiers stay in order.
let's hope it happens, you do not know the people here as they are.
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