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The Prime Minister by PINKPANDA on 10-26-2017
As the country’s leader, the prime minister is often called on to represent and embody the entire country, and perform a lot of miscellaneous, symbolic duties in addition to his political ones.
As discussed, the prime minister is the leader of the party who wins the most seats in the House of Commons following a Canadian parliamentary election. A prime minister can be voted out of power if enough Canadians vote out enough of his members of parliament in the next
Oh ok I see.
A PM who was installed by a small group of party insiders, rather than elected by the Canadian people, will often have his right to rule questioned if he stays in office too long. Luckily, the PM has the ability to call a federal election to seek a fresh mandate, and most party-appointed PMs chose to do this quite soon after their inauguration. OK so that's the end of our tour, any questions about the PM, before we leave.
No Mr.Ghost just want to get home and sleep.
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