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Oedipus Scene 12 by sirofficerpug on 10-17-2017
Who will want to marry? There's none, my children, no not one, and life for you is all decline to doom and empty spinsterhood. My darling little ones, abide in modesty so you may live the happy life your father did not have. Now stop with the tears and go inside.
God bless you, Creon. Thank you for bringing my girls to me, now please send them away and lead me off.
Come! Let your children go. Stop this striving to be master of all. The mastery you had in life has been your fall.
Citizens of our ancestral Thebes, look on this Oedipus the mighty and once masterful: Elucidator of the riddle. You saw him fall, you saw him swept away. Count no man blessed in his life until he's crossed life's bounds unstruck by ruin still!
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