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Flappers in 1920 by kaelyn8488 on 06-06-2017
Friday, June 19th, 1920. Two men stand in the street after work and see a woman acting and dressing very strangely.
That woman is acting very strangely. I've never seen a woman drink before.
I agree she is acting very hotsy-totsy. I don't think I've ever seen a woman dress like that. I'm going to ask her why she is behaving that way.
The man walks up to the woman on the street and asks her his question.
Ma'am, would you mind me asking why you are acting and dressing this way? I'm just very interested, I've never seen a woman like you before.
You're a wet blanket! Why do you have to be so upstate!
After the man insults the woman he apologizes.
I apologize, I didn't mean to insult you I am just curious. If you don't mind me asking.
Thats alright, a lot of people have been asking. People call me a flapper because i act and dress like this. It's the new style now. All the women will be dressing like this now!
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