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Frienemies by mailwoman90 on 09-12-2016
"Hey Jill, I really love your dress! Where did you get it and what is the occasion?" Margaret asked excitedly.
"Thank you Margaret. I don't remember where I got it, but I know it was a small boutique on Rodeo drive. It's mine and Paul's 10th Anniversary." Replied Jill.
"Oh. That's funny, you don't remember where you got your dress. It's not like I'm goint to purchase the same dress." Hissed Margaret. "Happy anniversary."
"Well, thank you Margaret." Jill chuckled.
"Oh, thank goodness. Paul is here! I have to go, but it was nice seeing you Margaret. Have a good evening." Jill said with a sigh of relief.
"You too!" Snapped Maragret.
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