Witty Comics
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VEHICLE CODE SECTION 26708. (a) (1) by LeeXan on 08-08-2016
This is exactly the same comic as the last comic except for the title.
So I was driving behind this car today and there was a big sign blocking their back window and it said something like, There is a God. There is a Heaven. There is a Hell.
Sounds like the subtext was, And you are going to Hell.
The man with the drink suggest the title used in the last comic.
Did you want to hit that car or get away from it?
The man with the book liked that title but thought it felt too heavy handed so he came up with this title. Hey, who said you can't have your comic and rename it too?
Totally. I mean, Yeah, some part of me wanted to get away from that car. How'd you know?
Oh, I just never trust cars with their back windows covered.
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