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Happy 47th, Apollo XI! by LeeXan on 07-20-2016
So yesterday I found out that a guy I'm acquainted with met one of the 12 astronauts who walked on the moon! Charlie Duke...
Oh, I know Charlie Duke, yeah...
Kinda cool...I googled Charlie Duke...he was on Apollo XVI, was the 10th guy on the moon and the youngest...
And the guy I kinda know brought in a photo today of him and Charlie Duke! And to top things off, Duke was CapCom for Apollo 11...he was THE guy talking to Neil and Buzz when they landed!
Pretty cool. I never quite got the "degrees of separation" thing, but I feel like I just got a little closer to the moon...
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<< Steps...July 20, 1969...July 26, 1990 I write for myself and strangers. ~ Gertrude Stein >>