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The Odd Case of the Dimensional Map by ColesRandomToybox on 06-09-2016
Alright... and ACTION!
It appeared as though the pair of friends had found themselves in a spot of (adversity). They had no Idea where they were or where they were going, only that it was not going to (alleviate) their stress.
Evan, It appears we have been led astray by this (ambigous) map.
How so, David? How so?
Unfortunately, the two had stumbled on a rift in the dimensional plane that transported them to a desert. This was particularly unpleasant for Evan (abhors) sand in his shoes.
It has led us straight into a desert.
How is this even possible? We were on top of a mountain not two seconds before. Not even the most (affluent) person on this planet could pull this off.
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